7 research outputs found

    From a research project to an Information System course: a professional approach

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    [EN] Nowadays, new business models are arising thanks to the development of ICT. In this context, the law is constantlybeing adaptedto guarantee the rights of individuals. Studyingtopics related to legislation without considering its relation with a particular project is unattractive and generally it does not motivate computer science students. However, according to reports by the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías de la Comunicación (INTECO), a high percentage of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) does not consider current legislation on issues related to ICT. For these reasons, we develop a series of guides definingbehaviour protocols, based on an active computer researchproject oriented to SMEs; and, at the same time, we decided to try to engage computer science students of the need to respect the regulations for the development of any software project (part of their next career future) making clear the relation between their tasks in any project of this kind and the laws and norms that should be respected during this process by the practical use and respect of these laws, in an Information Systems course. This last part is the work we present hereLozano Albalate, MT.; Trillo Lado, R. (2015). From a research project to an Information System course: a professional approach. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 83-89. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd15.2015.420OCS838

    Virtual USATIC: A totally on-line conference to share good practices and experiences using ICT on Higher Education

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    [EN] During the last decades, the use of virtural environments and platforms to leverage the learning-teaching processes has increased enormously. However, there exists few virtual initiatives to discuss and promote good practices on these environtments. This paper presents the initiative Virtual USATIC (Ubicuo y Social: Aprendizaje con TIC), a conference with a totally virtual format, whose main goal is to provide a virtual environment where people involved in higher education (students, professors, etc.) can share and discuss their experiences about the use of Information and Communication Technologies in learning processes. Moreover, the conference also promotes the participation of the attendants to on-line tutorials, courses and virtual training workshops on specific topics (Digital Right Managements of material, Accesability and Usuability of materials, etc.) where all participants can learn and experience on issues related to the conference. This iniciative started on June 2013 and has been repeated every year since then. So, different parameters to evaluate its evolution and success are described along this paper.We would like to thank all institutions and companies supporting Virtual USATIC.Alejandre Marco, JL.; Allueva Pinilla, A.; Lozano Albalate, MT.; Trillo Lado, R. (2017). Virtual USATIC: A totally on-line conference to share good practices and experiences using ICT on Higher Education. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1067-1074. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5515OCS1067107

    Photoplethysmographic Waveform Versus Heart Rate Variability to Identify Low Stress States. Attention Test

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    Our long-term goal is the development of an automatic identifier of attentional states. In order to accomplish it, we should firstly be able to identify different states based on physiological signals. So, the first aim of this work is to identify the most appropriate features, to detect a subject high performance state. For that, a database of electrocardiographic (ECG) and photopletysmographic (PPG) signals is recorded in two unequivocally defined states (rest and attention task) from up to 50 subjects as a sample of the population. Time and frequency parameters of heart/pulse rate variability have been computed from the ECG/PPG signals respectively. Additionally, the respiratory rate has been estimated from both signals and also six morphological parameters from PPG. In total, twenty six features are obtained for each subject. They provide information about the autonomic nervous system and the physiological response of the subject to an attention demand task. Results show an increase of sympathetic activation when the subjects perform the attention test. The amplitude and width of the PPG pulse were more sensitive that the classical sympathetic markers (normalised power in LF and LF/HF ratio) for identifying this attentional state. State classification accuracy reaches a mean of 89 ±\pm 2%, a maximum of 93% and a minimum of 85%, in the hundred classifications made by only selecting four parameters extracted from the PPG signal (pulse amplitude, pulse width, pulse downward slope and mean pulse rate). These results suggest that attentional states could be identified by PPG

    Aportación del simulador de tiro VICTRIX en la mejora de la instrucción de las unidades de infantería ligera

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    El objetivo del trabajo es el estudio de la aportación del simulador de tiro VICTRIX en la mejora de la instrucción de las unidades de infantería ligera. La finalidad de dicho estudio es ayudar a los Jefes de Unidad a tomar la decisión de usar o no este simulador atendiendo a las circunstancias que se den en cada momento. El trabajo está basado en la recogida de datos de tiro tanto en ejercicios de fuego real como en ejercicios realizados en el simulador de tiro VICTRIX. Estos datos nos permitirán marcar el nivel inicial y final del personal, así como medir su evolución en la instrucción de tiro. El trabajo comprende diversas actividades tanto teóricas como prácticas entre las que destacan: asistencia a clases sobre el funcionamiento del simulador de tiro VICTRIX, evaluación inicial y final del nivel de instrucción de un Pelotón de infantería ligera, y ejercicios de tiro con fuego real y con el simulador

    Modernización de la tecnología de obtención de inteligencia en UAS de la Compañía de Infantería.

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    El sistema UAV designado para ser empleado a nivel Compañía de Infantería, es el mini-UAV RAVEN B (de Clase I, según clasificación OTAN). A este sistema no tripulado se le ha dotado de medios de obtención de inteligencia, consistentes en dos tipos de cabezas acoplables: una con visión óptica y otra con visión térmica. Tras la experiencia adquirida en Zona de Operaciones, tanto por las Unidades de UAS desplegadas como por las Unidades de la Fuerza proyectada que mantuvieron contacto con tales medios, se han recopilado en manuales diversas lecciones aprendidas que advierten de ciertas carencias de estos medios, tales como distorsión de la imagen captada por condiciones de escasa visibilidad o condiciones meteorológicas adversas, así como la limitación del sistema para operar en todo tiempo (día y noche). No solo estas limitaciones respaldan un cambio. La rápida y continua innovación que actualmente existe en los medios de obtención de información del terreno, estrechamente relacionada con el desarrollo de los sistemas no tripulados, hace que sea vital permanecer actualizado, sobre todo en un campo como el de Defensa. De este modo, las nuevas tecnologías permitirían dar un gran salto en este ámbito, proporcionando nuevas ventajas y facilidades en las operaciones llevadas a cabo por nuestras Fuerzas Armadas en el extranjero. Por todo lo anterior se propone estudiar la integración de una tecnología que modernice los medios UAS, limitando el objeto de estudio a los medios UAS de la Compañía de Infantería. En referencia a este tipo de medios (los mini-UAV RAVEN B), cabe mejorar su sistema de adquisición y de obtención de inteligencia, que actualmente consiste en dos cabezas intercambiables: una óptica y otra térmica. Se pretende con este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, por una parte, dar solución a los problemas y limitaciones que éstas presentan y, por otra parte, satisfacer las necesidades que ambos sistemas de obtención cubren en conjunto, mediante una sola tecnología acoplable.<br /

    Projects to encourage female students in STEM areas

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    [EN] Today, the number of female students that enrol in degrees related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) areas is quite low. So, numerous initiatives have arisen to promote these degrees and encourage female students in these areas. In this context, the EuLES Network (u-Learning Environments in Higher Education), an interdisciplinary network created in 2010 at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) to foster research, interaction, cooperation and transfer of knowledge and technologies related to learning and open education, has developed two projects oriented to High School Students: “WikinformáticA! en Aragon” and “Women in STEM by EuLES”. WikinformáticA! en Aragón is a competition for student groups in which they develop a wiki on prominent women in the history of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The objective is the visibility of women involved in technology. The purpose of the Women in STEM project is to offer testimonies of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to encourage scientific vocations, especially in young people and girls. The project consists of conducting video interviews of women who work or study in these disciplines. All the videos, along with a short biography, are posted on the web.This work was supported by the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) [PIIDUZ_18_331].Allueva-Pinilla, AI.; Alejandre-Marco, JL.; Lozano Albalate, MT.; Trillo-Lado, R.; Ilarri-Artigas, S.; Sánchez-Azqueta, C.; Fuentes-Broto, L.... (2019). Projects to encourage female students in STEM areas. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1347-1354. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9474OCS1347135

    Mejora de la instrucción y adiestramiento a través de los medios de simulación

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    El trabajo trata el tema de la simulación en las Fuerzas Armadas. Concretamente se centra en el estudio de en que grado la plataforma de simulación NOPTEL beneficia a la instrucción y adiestramiento de los equipos de tiradores de precisión<br /